Horse Shows

Event Information
A horse show is a judged exhibition of horses and riders. CST offers a variety of classes for riders of all ages regardless of skill and experience. CST offers 6 annual horse shows of both English and Western Riding and 3 show events during our membership fun day known as “Easterwood”.

Photo courtesy of Amber Hoffman Photography

English Horse Shows
English Pleasure
Horses are shown under saddle, not to jump, and are shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring and should back easily and stand quietly.
English Equitation
Equitation is a division that is judged on the ability and the style of the rider. Riders are tested at the walk, trot and canter at the lower levels, and at more difficult gaits— such as extended walk, extended trot, and hand gallop, at the discretion of the judge.. They are to demonstrate proper riding of the horse at all these gaits, as well as accurate and stylish position.
Hunter Hack
Hunter hack is a type of English pleasure class where exhibitors in Hunt seat tack and attire perform on the flat at a walk, trot, canter and hand gallop, and then jump two low fences.

Photo courtesy of Amber Hoffman Photography

Western Horse Shows

The showmanship class shall be designed to evaluate the exhibitor’s ability to execute, in concert with a well groomed and conditioned horse, a set of maneuvers prescribed by the judge with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence, and maintaining a balanced, functional and fundamentally correct body position.
Photo courtesy of Amber Hoffman Photography
Western Pleasure
Emphasis is placed on the horse’s performance. A good pleasure horse has a free-flowing stride of reasonable length in keeping with his conformation. Riders walk, jog and lope in both directions with a group of other riders in the show pen. An announcer will let you know what gait to pick up and when to change direction. At the end of the class, you’ll be asked to line up with the other riders in the middle of the arena and you may be instructed to back up one at a time.
Western Equitation
The western horsemanship class is designed to evaluate the rider’s ability to execute, in concert with their horse, a set of maneuvers prescribed by the judge with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence, and maintaining a balanced, functional and fundamentally correct body position.

Reining is a western riding competition for horses where the riders guide the horses through a precise pattern of circles, spins, and stops. All work is done at the lope (a slow, relaxed version of the horse gait more commonly known worldwide as the canter), or the gallop (the fastest of the horse gaits).
Western Riding
The western riding class is one of flying lead changes. It is a combination of control and skills, mixing techniques from trail, reining, and equitation. This judged event is not timed.

This class will be judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses negotiating the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, providing correctness is not sacrificed. Horses should receive credit for showing attentiveness to the obstacles and the capability of picking their own way through the course when obstacles warrant it, and willingly responding to the rider’s cues on more difficult obstacles.
Ranch riding is a class that simulates a horse and rider working on a ranch, with natural and forward gaits, and a relaxed and versatile attitude. The class consists of patterns that include required and optional maneuvers, such as changes of gait, extension of gait, crossing logs, and lead changes. The class does not require expensive equipment or clothes, and is popular among western show riders.

Trainer Trevor Carter (Credit: Abigail Boatwright)